New Online Game Teaches Teens Disaster Decision Making

FEMA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah) in partnership with iThrive Games Foundation has just released Disaster Mind, an online educational game for teens designed to improve disaster decision-making skills.

The player can choose to be either a teen at home alone with a younger sister or a teen volunteering at a community center. The game starts off with a blizzard accompanied by high winds. The power goes out and—bam!—things start happening fast, and the player has to make quick decisions about what to do and in what order. The player fields phone calls, texts, and social media posts in real time. Two other game scenarios are a flood and a wildfire.

iThrive Games Foundation is a Massachusetts-based nonprofit that uses game design and game-based learning tools to help students develop skill sets that support their mental health and well-being.

Want to play? Click here.


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