Community Outreach

The Community Outreach Team is a dedicated group that concentrates on establishing productive dialogues with residents across every corner of the island. This dynamic team uses various platforms including the website, social media, printed materials, and community events to engage and communicate with citizens.

The team's approach is rooted in love, not fear, as it guides citizens through different stages of awareness toward meaningful action.

Team Lead

Mission and Community Impact:

The Community Outreach Team supports building a resilient community by bridging the gap between vital information and community members. By fostering effective communication and disseminating crucial information on a wide range of subjects, the team significantly enhances community awareness. This enables individuals to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions, essential for community resilience, collective growth, and proactive response in the face of adversity. The work of the Community Outreach Team is crucial to ensuring that every community member feels informed, connected, and empowered.

About the Team:

The Outreach Team's mandate extends across multiple areas as per the community's evolving needs and interests. This team springs into action whenever there's a need for widespread communication, especially during significant community events or emergencies. They ensure that information flow remains consistent, precise, and impactful, thereby fostering unity, collaboration, and effective action within the community. Guided by the leadership of Sarah Lane, with support from Anne LeSage, Loren Bast, and Scott James, the Outreach Team exemplifies our community's commitment to clear communication, inclusivity, and collective resilience.

Resources and Questions

  • While the specific actions might vary depending on the nature of the world, the team generally focuses on ensuring the community is well-informed about what and how to be prepared.

  • During activation, the Community Outreach Team becomes an assisting team with the EOC as the source of information and guidance for citizens. They will help manage communications through various channels such as social media, emails, and local events to ensure the community stays updated and informed.

  • The team is always active and can assist whenever there's a need for widespread communication, such as during a major community event, disaster, or any situation that requires extensive community involvement and awareness.

  • To request support from the Community Outreach Team, you can contact them via their official communication channels such as email, social media, or the leads contact on this page.

  • The team aids citizens by providing them with valuable information, addressing their concerns, and guiding them through various community issues. This helps citizens make informed decisions and fosters a sense of unity and proactive engagement within the community.

  • The Community Outreach Team uses various channels to communicate with citizens, including the internet, social media platforms, emails, and local events.

  • To sign up, you can fill out the volunteer application available in the volunteer section.