Map Your Neighborhood

The Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) Team is a proactive group dedicated to engaging with residents, helping them prepare for potential disasters through informative neighborhood meetings. These gatherings, known as MYN parties, offer guidance on essential supplies, organization strategies, and best practices for dealing with emergencies.

Email Ann Cook today to get started for your street!

Team Leads

Mission and Community Impact:

The mission of the MYN Team is to cultivate a community that's ready to confidently face any disaster. They believe that adequate preparation and knowledge can minimize damage and protect lives. The MYN team fosters a spirit of cooperation and resource-sharing among neighbors, ensuring that each person's skills and resources can be put to best use during a disaster. Their work ultimately creates a more resilient, prepared, and interconnected community.

About the Team:

The MYN team primarily focuses on the Nine Steps to Take Immediately Following a Disaster, helping residents secure their homes and protect their neighborhoods effectively. They assist in identifying the skills and equipment of each neighbor, facilitating a quicker and more efficient disaster response. By creating a neighborhood map and contact list, they pinpoint the locations of natural gas and propane tanks for quick response and identify residents with specific needs. Their goal is to ensure a well-coordinated neighborhood response during the crucial first hour following a disaster.

Team Overview Video

Resources and Questions

  • In preparation for a major disaster, the MYN Team organizes and conducts neighborhood meetings (MYN parties) to educate residents on disaster preparedness, including what supplies to collect, how to organize, and what actions to take when disaster strikes.

  • During an activation, the team would likely serve as a resource and guide, helping neighborhood groups implement the disaster response plans they developed through the MYN program.

  • This team is continually active in its role of educating and preparing the community. However, in the event of an actual disaster, the team's guidance becomes crucial in the execution of the neighborhood response plans.

  • You can request support by reaching out to Ann Cook or Emergency Coordinator Anne LeSage to arrange a Map Your Neighborhood party or to request materials for your neighborhood gathering.

  • To learn more about the team, please email the Team Leads listed above.

    To sign up, you can fill out the volunteer application available in the volunteer section.

How to get started!

  1. MYN Meeting Guide: Familiarize yourself with the step-by-step guide to the Map Your Neighborhood Program.

  2. MYN Packet Download: Download this useful packet to get a deeper understanding of the MYN initiative and how to organize your neighborhood meeting.

  3. MYN Training DVD at Bainbridge Public Library: A short, informative video on how to conduct your own MYN party.

  4. Washington Emergency Management Program’s Videos: Gain more insights on hosting your Map Your Neighborhood event through these helpful videos.

  5. Volunteer Application: Join the MYN team and contribute to building a disaster-ready community.

Remember to keep in touch with Ann Cook or Emergency Coordinator Anne LeSage to request copies of the MYN booklets, flyers and other materials needed for your neighborhood gathering.